Welcome! We grew up loving makeup, big hair, and over-the-top outfits. It was the 80s, after all! We still love makeup - just less of it. We think colored hair is better than big. And, we wear what is really comfy while still looking good and thin as possible!
We are real women. We struggle. Our families drive us crazy. We think we’ve messed our kids up. We diet. We give up. We try again. We get it. Life is hard, y’all… THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! We want to help y'all look great and have some fun!
We are sisters and best friends – 3 years and 9 months apart. We drive each other crazy; but we are damn good business partners. In May of 2015, we opened Starrs On Mercer in Dripping Springs to be a place for you to get away, laugh, and be around other crazy people - a fun place with great taste and a relaxed family vibe. We had zero retail experience. We owe the success of our Starrs on Mercer store to our amazing and loyal customers!
You might be wondering where the tagline “A Modern Day Department Store” comes from. In our hometown, there was one place to buy your clothes, gift, shoes, or even a bra. We miss that kind of store. We like one stop shopping, something close, convenient, and fun. So, we took the department store concept and put a modern twist on it.
Here is what you should know about us:
* Starr is our maiden name thus the 2 r’s.
* We are from Pleasanton, Texas the birthplace of the Cowboy.
* Melissa is Class of 88 and Sarah is 91, yo!
* Our Mom is Sally. Y’all will hear stories so just know that name.
* We have the greatest staff. We absolutely could not do it without them!
* We have 3 kids between us. Each of them named Felicia. If you don't know the term "bye Felicia", you should. It refers to someone who sucks away money or stuff from you. In this instance, we mean our children - Felicias.
* Excellent customer service is our religion. Every day, we strive to take care of our customers. We take note when a customer wants an item that is out of stock or makes a special request. We check our customer want lists every time a shipment arrives and put those items on hold. When a repeat customer walks in, we show them what is new according to their taste and body style. Complimentary personal shopping, anyone?
We appreciate you! This is a dream come true for us and your support is amazing. So, spend that money. Buy that handbag. You know you want it and the Starr Sisters damn well know you deserve it.
We Think You're a Starr!
Peace & love,
The Sisters